Grogz's Blog

My Favourite Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac

Keyboard Symbols

- Command (or Cmd)
- Shift
- Option (or Alt)
- Control (or Ctrl)
← ↑ → ↓ - Respective arrow key

The Shortcuts

Opening and Closing stuff

  • + N - New Window
  • + + / - Navigate between tabs
  • + T - New Tab (add ⇧ to go incognito, you naughty thing)
  • + W - Close tab
  • + + T - Reopen previously closed tab
  • Hold + Q - Quit chrome (works for any app running on a Mac)
  • Click link while holidng - Open new tab with that link
  • + + F - Minimise/Maximise the window (also works for any Mac app)
  • + 1 - Select first tab
  • + 8 - Select eighth tab
  • + 9 - Select last tab
  • + L - Select URL bar
  • + + F - Start a Google search
  • + + / - Another way of selecting/deselecting the URL bar


  • Tap Spacebar - scroll down
  • + / - Go to top/bottom of page

Broswer feature shortcuts

  • + R - Reload current page
  • + + J - Open Dev Tools
  • + + L - Open Downloads
  • + + B - Open Bookmarks
  • + D - Save page as book mark (press enter to save straight away)